Spokesperson: Jack Ruan +886 921-062500 / +8862 2796-3660#222
Dimerco Express Corporation (5609) today announced the consolidated financial report of Y2020 Consolidated sales revenue of Y2020 is NTD 22,948 million, an increase of 28.9% compared to Y2019. Consolidated net income after tax is NTD 1,085 million, an increase of 169.2% compared to Y2019. Earnings per share is NTD 8.62, an increase of 169.3% compared to Y2019. BOD approved the earnings distribution proposal of Y2020’s net profit as follows; to distribute cash dividend NTD 5.2 per share and stock dividend NTD 0.8 per share. The proposal will be included in the meeting agenda in Y2021 shareholders’ meeting.
Please find more on Financial Overview.