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Company Overview

Dimerco Express Group is a global shipping and logistics company whose services form the backbone of global commerce. Established in 1971, Dimerco has built a reputation as a dynamic organization, growing rapidly in the evolving world of international transportation and logistics.

Our global logistics network includes 160+ Dimerco offices in 17 countries across Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe, and 200+ strategic partner agents across the rest of the world. We provide comprehensive global logistics services with carefully selected air, ocean, rail and road carriers. Our success is based on our ability to integrate and streamline supply chain management processes with a customized approach that increases efficiency, lowers costs and ensures timely delivery.

Central to our vision to provide the most competitive transportation and logistics services is the combination of global reach with local connections. This is reflected in our strong growth strategy. Through product diversification and operational optimization, we offer a lean, flexible, cost-effective service.

Headquartered in Taiwan, Dimerco has been publicly traded on the Taipei Exchange since 2001.



Company Profile

Company Name Dimerco Express Corporation
Founded July 15, 1971
Incorporated August 2, 1985
Publicly Listed October 15, 2001
Stock Symbol DIMERCO
Stock Code 5609
Market Type Publicly Listed Company
Industry Type International Transportation and Logistics
Capital NTD 1,428,840,000
Chairman Ms. Wendy Chien
Executive Board Mr. Jeffrey Shih
Mr. George Chiou
Headquarters 11/12F. No.160, Min Chuan East Rd., Sec 6, Taipei, Taiwan
Number of Offices 162
Stock Transfer Agent Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd.
Accounting Firm KPMG
Scope of Business
  1. Air Freight Transportation Services
  2. Ocean Freight Transportation Services
  3. Multimodal Transportation Services
  4. Domestic Air Freight and Road Transport Services in China
  5. Customs Brokerage
  6. Warehousing and Distribution
  7. Cargo Insurance
  8. Cargo Packaging and Crating
  9. Cargo Aircraft and Vessel Chartering
Contact Telephone: +886-2-2796-3660
Fax: +886-2-2792-7052
Email: [email protected]

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