Should you Join the U.S. CTPAT Trade Compliance Program?
CTPAT Trade Compliance is the name for U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) new, voluntary trade compliance program. U.S. importers who are Tier II or Tier III members of the CTPAT supply chain security program can opt into the program by monitoring their own...
Update on Port of Oakland
Happening Now Oakland Port dock workers returned for the 2nd shift on November 2nd and were ordered to work the 1st shift today, November 3rd. Terminal operations have resumed. Truckers can be sent to the Port for pickup / delivery upon verification with the...
Shenzhen Warehouse Advantages
Since 1979, when Shenzhen was declared China’s first “special economic zone,” the city has transformed from a small fishing town to China’s largest exporting city. Today, Shenzhen is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Whether you are exporting...