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Governance and Business Conduct
Dimerco people worldwide share common guidelines for how we conduct ourselves – with customers, suppliers, government officials and other stakeholders.
By demonstrating high standards for honesty and integrity, we earn your trust – which we consider the primarily building block of business partnerships. That trust also extends to the employees we seek to attract. Talented people are drawn to companies that demonstrate high ethical standards.
Now more than ever, a company must have transparency in all transactions to maintain its reputation. Dimerco’s Code of Business Conduct is designed to establish the highest principles of personal integrity and to prevent violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Staff are regularly reminded of their obligation to set the example.

Dimerco Integrity Program and Code of Business Conduct
The Integrity Program is a clear commitment from the Dimerco Express Group governing ethics, compliance and business conduct. The program reflects our longtime values and defines us in every aspect of our global business, now and into the future. These common values are a promise to our employees, our customers, our suppliers, our shareholders, our partners and all of the communities in which we trade.
Our chairman, executive management board, directors, managers and employees will continually develop the Integrity Program, which will benefit everyone that is involved in business with Dimerco.
Legal Compliance
Dimerco’s commitment to integrity has been the cornerstone of its robust compliance efforts, which are comprised of legislation monitoring, compliance policies, training and an open reporting environment.
Dimerco operates in many countries. Therefore, in order to achieve compliance with governing legislation, applicable laws, regulations and regulatory expectations, it closely monitors domestic and foreign government policies and regulatory developments that could have a material impact on its business and financial operations. As an example, Dimerco has AEO certification in China (Advanced AEO Certified Enterprise – ACE), as well as Thailand, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Germany. We are also members of USA’s CTPAT program. Dimerco’s Central Service Center-Legal periodically updates Dimerco’s internal departments, management and the Audit Committee of applicable regulatory changes so that internal teams may comply with new regulatory requirements in a timely manner.

Business Continuity Planning
In an ever-changing risk environment, establishing integrated enterprise risk management and crisis management capabilities are essential to a business’s ability to compete. Dimerco regularly updates its comprehensive enterprise risk management and business continuity plan to protect all stakeholders’ interests.
Specifically, Dimerco’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP) emphasizes: (1) a culture of continuous improvement, (2) an effective and flexible capability to respond to any business continuity challenges, and (3) a dynamic internal review process and routine exercises to ensure efficient execution of the BCP and make improvements accordingly.
Report Any Concerns
If you witness conduct inconsistent with Dimerco’s commitment to integrity, we want to know about it. Please contact:
Ms. Lily Chang
Chief Internal Auditor
Dimerco Express Group
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 886-2-2793-3399
Fax: 886-2-2792-7052

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