Building Airline ULDs: What You Need to Know

Building Airline ULDs: What You Need to Know

If you’re shipping air freight, your main concern is getting the freight where it needs to be, and fast. You’re not necessarily concerned about the equipment used and exactly how the freight moves from origin to destination. Truckers, forwarders and air carriers take...
Optimizing Shipping from Shenzhen, China to USA

Optimizing Shipping from Shenzhen, China to USA

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re shipping from Shenzhen, China to the USA. You’re not alone. Shenzhen is China’s largest exporting city and a mecca for outsourced manufacturing, particularly for high-tech goods. But many of...
The Significance of RCEP for Asia-Pac Supply Chains

The Significance of RCEP for Asia-Pac Supply Chains

Since its entry into force in early 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has emerged as a central force in the Asia-Pacific region. As the world’s largest free trade agreement, RCEP has the potential to significantly shape the...