Manufacturing Plant Relocation: Keys to Success
Relocating a house can be overwhelming, with checklists, timelines, and unexpected challenges to manage. Now, imagine relocating an entire manufacturing plant from one country to another. Manufacturing plant relocation is an immense task that demands months of careful...
Friendshoring Strategy: Merits & Myths
Friendshoring. Sounds like a nice word, doesn’t it? It evokes images of two countries holding hands and happily walking down the path to duty-free trade. But shifting production to more “tariff-friendly” countries isn’t necessarily the free pass some think it is....
IMMEX Program in Mexico: Potential Benefits & Pitfalls
As nearshoring, friendshoring and reshoring become common, many companies are considering the IMMEX program in Mexico (also known as the maquiladora program) to mitigate the growing risk of sourcing from China. This article will review the benefits and pitfalls of...