What Does a Freight Forwarder Do ?

What Does a Freight Forwarder Do ?

If your business involves importing or exporting freight, you’re likely working with a freight forwarder. What does a freight forwarder do? These international shipping experts help you participate in international trade without having to master all the complexities...
Dimerco Financial Results May, 2021

Dimerco Financial Results May, 2021

Spokesperson: Jack Ruan +886 921-062500‬ / +8862 ‪2796-3660#222‬‬‬‬‬‬ Dimerco Express Corporation (5609) today announced the consolidated sales revenue for the month of May 2021. The consolidated sales revenue of May 2021 is NTD 2,837 million, an increase of 4.5%...
Dimerco supports vital aid effort for COVID-hit India

Dimerco supports vital aid effort for COVID-hit India

International freight forwarding and transportation specialists Dimerco have stepped forward to assist in shipping vital medical aid supplies to COVID-hit India, which is currently facing a humanitarian crisis. Mr. Alexander King & Mr. Jeff Chen of Dimerco New...