New U.S. CBP Rules Modernize Customs Broker Regulations

New U.S. CBP Rules Modernize Customs Broker Regulations

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just published new rules, effective December 19, aimed at modernizing customs broker regulations and operations. Like most changes to the US Code of Federal Regulations, they’ll go largely unnoticed. But importers would be...
Shipping from Vietnam: the Next Global Manufacturing Hub

Shipping from Vietnam: the Next Global Manufacturing Hub

As manufacturers move more and more of their production out of China, Vietnam is becoming the next manufacturing hub for East-to-West supply chains. Shippers new to the country must find effective solutions for shipping from Vietnam, taking into account how freight...
Should you Join the U.S. CTPAT Trade Compliance Program?

Should you Join the U.S. CTPAT Trade Compliance Program?

CTPAT Trade Compliance is the name for U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) new, voluntary trade compliance program.  U.S. importers who are Tier II or Tier III members of the CTPAT supply chain security program can opt into the program by monitoring their own...
The Challenge of Setting up a Manufacturing Plant in India

The Challenge of Setting up a Manufacturing Plant in India

The Government of India has established many incentive programs to encourage foreign electronics companies to set up manufacturing plants in India. And many such companies are making the move. But, in the process, they’re finding unexpected logistics and trade...