Do you Need a Customs Consultant?

Do you Need a Customs Consultant?

Do you need a customs consultant? For most companies involved in global trade, the answer is “yes.” Without some help from an expert, the trade compliance landscape is simply too complex for the average importer to successfully capitalize on available cost savings...
Navigating the Shipping Maze: NVOCC vs. a Freight Forwarder

Navigating the Shipping Maze: NVOCC vs. a Freight Forwarder

Confused about shipping your cargo overseas? You’re not alone. The world of international shipping can feel like a complex maze, filled with unfamiliar terms and confusing options. Two key players often mentioned are Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers and freight...
2024 Trade Compliance Outlook and Strategies

2024 Trade Compliance Outlook and Strategies

Trade compliance will only become more challenging for global businesses in 2024 as supply chains continue to undergo transformative change. Companies are revamping their sourcing strategies to become more resilient; technological advancements by regulators are...
Trade Based Money Laundering: Why Shippers Should Care

Trade Based Money Laundering: Why Shippers Should Care

Trade-based money laundering (TBML) occurs when criminals disguise the profits from their illegal activities as legitimate trade. In simple terms, money laundering takes dirty money and cleans it. TBML comes in many different forms, including the movement of illegal...